Saturday, December 27, 2008

A New Adventure !!

For the 1st time I laid my eyes on her,
I knew she was something different,
With those Hazel eyes,
Found Myself attracted to her,
Thought as it was just another Woman,
But there was Something Special,
For a year I waited,
For a year I kept sitting waiting n wishing...
But when that day came,
Life just blossomed as if Spring had just arrived,
Kept my distance,
But couldn't keep it for long,
Started out as a Chat,
Never seem to end,
Singing the Everyday Love Song seemed useless,
Because this was much greater than Love,
Hey I'm there for you,
Don't push yourself away from me,
The More you do,
The Closer you would find me,
Whatever the World says,
You're Still Beautiful to me,
Share the Happiness,
Share the sadness too,
Never good at giving advice,
But I'm darn good in suggestions,
Keeping Smiling gal,
Don't fake it,
Never Works with me,
We realize that we sailing on the same Boat,
But we sit on different sides,
Facing two different directions,
Whatever it is,
I cant leave you nor would I let you drown....

Noticed a real Life Mario,
Jumping over Shrooms,
Never Knew What he went through,
Life in green,
Seemed quiet Extreme,
Really a jolly guy,
But a very emotional person,
Doesn't Show,
Thats where he Glows,
Makes Everyone Happy,
But my friend are you really Happy ?
Living in solitude,
Green Days are his source of entertainment,
Dancing his Way to Joy,
But gotta admit,
Great Dancer,
Can Dance for hours,
Makes other people dance to his tunes...
A Year passed by,
Still shaking the fries,
Feeling his never ending cries,
Felt his Pain within few minutes,
Loads of ambitions,
Lots of dreams,
So many expectations,
Just Keep Looking up the Sky,
Never Look Down,
Keep Flying,
Don't Stop,
The Sky's an Endless dimension of Serenity...

Look Who's bored again....
A great Mind,
A great friend,
Found him Sober,
In all the gober !!!
Living in a different World of reason,
What's the use??
There's No Season....
No sunshine,
No nights,
No Springs,
No autumns,
No rains,
No Winters,
You're Perceptions are flawless,
But poor society seems so clueless,
Insensitivity you show,
Coz you in a world without any Seasons,
First person to ever make me happy,
First person to ever take to me in a tour to his world,
Changed my perceptions,
I still don't understand you...
Maybe I Never will...
But walking by your side always is fun,
Let's never stop,
Let's keep walking in darkness,
Until We say....
Bhenchod I'm Bored !!!

All started out as a simple trip,
Proved to be quiet a journey,
Now the Trip's Over,
Never seems to end,
The Journey's just begun,
Lot's to explore,
Lot's of adventures ahead,
We still have a Long Long Ways to go !!!!!


Unknown said...

ohhh god so very true n so well written descibes each of us so very perfectly...!!!

Rajashree said...

Dear God, you're another T S Eliot!
wow, you're really good at expressing human pessimism. Great work, love it! Keep writing.

Unknown said...

decent not bad., liked my part n nilesh's a lot. pinface is like princess here, nice she truly is! over all it was gud! keep scribling

Kaber Vasuki said...

Was it all written by a single person or are the different stanza's different people's work. Sounds like a diary entry to me. But the story comes out well

Unknown said...

as usual..simple n straight frm d hrt..!

Mallika Svetlana said...


See I keep telling you, there is always something sumone's good at...

You are good at expressing.... Keep going... get better n better!

Nilesh said...

found him sober
in all the gober..
looks like you have found your words and the words have found you...
well done..