Monday, March 30, 2009

Brothers of Life....

Brothers of life,
Lost over the time,
Never ever had been so serene,
With my brothers of life.

Growing up together,
Dancing together,
Riding together,
Rock n Roll together,
Achieving Nirvana together,
Never ever had been so serene,
With my brothers of life.

Wished for the equal things in life,
Laughing at the obstacles of life,
Painting the picture of a techincolored life,
Sadness of wasn't a part of our life,
Never ever had been so serene,
With my brothers of life.

Dreams were so clear,
Crystal Clear,
Life was Clear,
Goals were clear,
Endless time with my brothers,
The best things of live never ended,
Never ever had been so serene,
With my brothers of life.

Enter the devil,
Silent Assassin was the evil,
Entering the tunnel,
Tunnel of paradise,
Lurking through the tunnel of paradise,
Seeing the bright light through the darkness,
Covered it up with this demonic aura,
Never thought it would come to an end,
Hit us all,
Wounded was I,
Blamed my brothers for the grievance,
Succumbed to my Injuries.

Wake up,
Get Up,
What the fuck?
Was that a bad dream,
Was that a nightmare,

It's reality,
It had happened,
In the past.

Give me one more chance,
Let's relive the past,
Let's forget the wounds,
Scars is all that remains,
Let's go back to the tunnel to paradise,
The times of yore,
Remains in the graves,
Passing through the sands of time,
Never to be relived,
Kill the devil,
Banish his presence,
Together with my brothers,
Empty was I,
Allow me come back to life,
Never ever had been so serene,
With my brothers of life.

(To all my brothers)


Shana said...

I likd it.....did u right it???

Nick said...


yes obviously!

Rajashree said...

sounded so much like some rock song. you better write some music for it. way to go. liked it.

Kanch said...

lovely.....u should write more stuff like dis...

Anonymous said...

nice work man...keep writin n keep posting me..btw i agree wid prev comm..u shud make a tune or somthin..

Nick said...

@ Rajashree n Darshik - I already made it a point to make this poem as a rock song. M already preparing for the rhythms n the process has already started :)

@ Kanchan - Thanks Kanchan, I'm soon coming up with a gothic love poem.

Mallika Svetlana said...

Hope this works for you & your "bros"

Gud one.....